5 Spiritual Practices From Mama Bali

Bali Indonesia

Bali is the perfect place to recharge your soul

As a mystical destination, Bali attracts spiritual seekers with its undulating mountains and thousands of temples. Bali is known as one of the world's most vibrant centers for spirituality and self-discovery. 

This Hindu island draws people from around the globe who are interested in healing, yoga, meditation, consciousness, and transformation. So whether you're soul searching, seeking balance and body rejuvenation, or simply wanting to discover a serene spot to relax the mind, Bali has it all. 

From the beautiful green landscapes of rice fields to the active volcanoes, Mama Bali has so much to offer, yet we are here to delve deeper into her spiritual side. Let's come together and take a closer look at the top five spiritual practices in Bali.

1. Yoga and Meditation

From meditation enthusiasts to yoga advocates, Bali is an elixir of wellness. Located in a holy land with high vibrations, Bali invites you to a sacred space for meditation, yoga, and healing.

From an energetic standpoint, Bali is very much in tune with the heart's vibration making it the perfect location to practice heart-opening yoga and Anahata (heart chakra) meditations. 

With an abundance of yogic offerings, you'll find Self-Awakening Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Hatha Yoga, and Restorative Yoga sessions throughout the island. Hopping onto your mat in such a tranquil space brings an entirely new meaning to your practice. 

Connecting with the heart chakra and embracing Bali's loving energy will open up your spirit to receive. A clear mind and open heart allow you to uncover more about yourself than you could ever imagine.

You'll never be stuck for choice when choosing that perfect place to meditate in Bali. Whether getting lost among Mother Nature or catching the morning sun rising as you feel the sand beneath you, bliss awaits. 


2. Divine Sacred Circle

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~ Ryunosuke Satoro

Women circles are a time for immense healing, inviting you to explore the depths of your soul. A place we may not venture to too often, but when we do, we can discover an ocean of stillness and deep serenity and arrive at a place where true peace resides. 

Women’s circles in Bali are something else, something all women should experience at least once in this lifetime—A time to connect with sisterhood and discover our inner worlds. Leave your fears and insecurities behind as you step into the community and commit to healing. 

Divine sacred circles explore intuitive development, energy clearing, guided meditation, and chakra balancing, all of which are food for the soul. This profound experience invites you to dive deep into your being and set your soul on fire. 

Imagine a sacred sisterhood, a conscious community gathering to explore a variety of all the goodness life has to offer. From embodied movement⁠ to visualization meditation⁠ and guided journaling⁠ to chanting⁠, you’ll feel a sense of rejuvenation after these powerful healing circles. Share wisdom, explore wellness, and receive the ultimate form of pure joy as you reconnect with yourself and connect with others. 

It’s a space for you to feel safe, be held, and be heard—a sacred space to connect with like-minded women with open minds and open hearts. As you tap into your soul, you can open up to infinite possibilities. 

Be held, be seen, be present — together, with no judgment.

Traditional purification ceremony in Bali

3. Traditional Purification Ceremony

Melukat is an ancient Balinese cleansing ritual in which a person immerses themselves in holy water in order to cleanse themselves of sickness, turmoil, and negative karma. 

Led by a Balinese healer, this cleansing ceremony involves fresh flowers and usually takes part in hot springs or waterfalls on this sacred island. As part of the ritual, the body, mind, and soul are cleansed of any negative influences from this life or past lives. Blessing prayers are recited to invite all the good spirits, wisdom, and knowledge into this life.

In most Balinese ceremonies, this ritual occurs under the power of the full moon or new moon. 

Healing means something different for everyone, so each purification ceremony will be unique. What do you need to let go of so that you can begin living as your highest self?

4. Canang Offerings

Allow your creativity to run wild by creating a Canang Sari, the Balinese daily offering. 

So what exactly is a Canang Sari, and how can you make one?

This beautiful offering is made of braided coconut leaves filled with flowers and incense. Every detail on the canang sari serves a specific purpose and honors a particular Hindu deity. It's the ultimate expression of gratitude. 

Balinese Hinduism believes that our world contains both positive and negative energies, so we can strive to create balance by performing this ritual. Balinese Hindus offer canang offerings daily as a form of praise and prayer to GOD (Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa).

5. Balinese Dance

Awaken the Divine Feminine through movement with a Balinese Dance class. Balinese Dance expresses the human spirit through the movement of the whole body accompanied by rhythmic music. It is dynamic, highly stylized, and unique to Bali.

By combining the movement of fingers, hands, head, and eyes with Balinese music "Gong Kebyar," Balinese dancers convey the story of dance drama through their bodies. This type of movement embodies spirituality as you let go and find freedom by flowing to the beat of your own drum. Ignite your inner shakti and set your soul free.

Why not try it for yourself? There's no better way to express yourself than through dance. Take some time to let your hair down, and dance like no one (or everyone) is watching!

If your spirit is calling you to explore far-off lands steeped in ritual, culture, and mysticism, now may be the time to make the journey.

Retreating to Bali or taking a spiritual getaway will reconnect you to your sacred self as you nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

What are you waiting for?

We invite you to join us in Bali for a yoga adventure and transformational journey of a lifetime. 

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