Heal Energetically with Full Moon Rituals

“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me


Harness powerful lunar healing to manifest abundance and release situations holding us back through these full moon rituals.

The moon has guided the earth for billions of years, that ever-present glow observing us, supporting us, empowering us. As the moon circles our planet, it becomes more or less illuminated by sunlight. This creates the lunar phases.

The lunar phases have a powerful impact on our lives and on the planet. Just as the moon controls the ocean and the tides, the waxing and waning of the lunar phases influence the rhythm of our own lives. When you understand the incredible energy of the lunar phases, you can harness that energy as a source of healing and manifestation in harmony with nature.

It all begins with the new moon, the moon’s darkest point in the sky. Considered the manifesting moon, this beginning period marks a time to plant the seeds to manifest your desires—a time to set intentions and goals for the month ahead.

The light of the moon brightens during the following two weeks leading up to the full moon. As the area of illumination grows, we see more of the moon's face receiving sunlight. Your “seeds” begin to blossom during this time of gain and attainment.

Finally, the full moon arrives, shining at its brightest. The moon and the sun face each other directly, and the moon appears fully illuminated from our perspective on earth.

The incredible energy of the lunar cycle peaks at the full moon. If you consider yourself an empath or sensitive to energy, you have probably already experienced this for yourself. The full moon is surrounded with lore and legend. Full moons awaken the magical, mysterious, and even the insane (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic).

If the new moon is a time to plant seeds, the full moon is a time to pull weeds.

Every month when the moon shines at its brightest, it resonates powerful healing energy, an opportunity for reflection, letting go of toxic situations, and bringing light into the shadows. See this as a moment of completion, the wrapping up and letting go of what no longer serves you.

How to create a full moon ritual

You can harness the intense full moon energy. Bask in the full brightness of the full moon by showing gratitude for the fruition of your desires through this full moon ritual.

Create a sacred space

Create a sacred space for your ritual, somewhere quiet. You can adorn your space with sacred items that amplify your psychic abilities, like incense, crystals, candles, soul oracle cards, or aura spray.

Full moon crystals: Enhance full moon healing with crystals like rose quartz, clear quartz, moonstone, selenite, tiger’s eye, obsidian, or amethyst. You can charge your crystals with full moon energy by placing them outside.

Full moon incense: Aroma invokes energy from within (think of how a scent can impact your mood or trigger a memory). It also signals spirits, a way to communicate our intentions beyond words. Burn full moon incense, essential oils, and scented candles or use aura spray, like sage, lavender, sandalwood, cinnamon, or moonflower.

Full moon oracle cards: The moon tarot card represents the light and dark forces within. Include this card in your full moon ritual to gain clarity on negative energies that you need to release. You can also pull a card or cards from your oracle deck which you believe will help set intentions during your full moon ritual.

Full moon candles: Amplify the clearing light energy of the full moon with a white candle, powerful in purification rituals.


Ground and Connect

Before you begin, take a moment to ground and connect energetically with the spiritual realm. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths Imagine a white energetic light running through the chakras, from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head and beyond.

Next, connect to the grounding energy of Mother Earth. Imagine her green light energy spiraling from the earth. Picture that light as it intertwines upwards with your white light energy.

Say a Blessing

Invoking the full moon’s energy sets the tone of your ritual and allows La Luna to lend its strength to you during it. Open to what comes to you to say as a blessing. You can also use this blessing to say:

“Dear universe, I ask that you cleanse my space and open it to receive the full blessing and energy of the moon. Moon, I invite you to be a witness to my intentions to manifest them in the highest potential energy for myself and others. Thank you. Amen.”

Practice a Full Moon Meditation

Meditation allows us to further ground and connect with the unseen—the spiritual realm and guiding angels. When you practice a Full Moon meditation, you connect deeper to the power of this moon phase, to set your intentions and receive guidance. Try a Full Moon guided meditation to expand your Full Moon ritual.

Letting Go

The full moon offers a powerful moment for releasing that which no longer serves you. Take a piece of paper and list all that that you wish to let go of. Include emotions, situations, limiting beliefs, people, and so on that you feel ready to release. At the end of your list, write: “I choose to let this go now”.


Next, you will use fire, the element of transformation and healing, to burn your list. First, fold the list once or twice. Then, burn it! You can use a heatproof bowl in a sink or outdoors, or throw your list in a campfire. (Just make sure to be smart and safe). When burning your list, you can call upon the protection energy of Archangel Michael or the Archangel Metatron, who helps with clearing out negative energy.

Full Moon Rituals for Each Month

Every month has a full moon, and every full moon has a meaning. Native Americans recognized this, giving each full moon its own name to reflect the rhythms and seasons of nature. They passed down this wisdom through the generations and today people continue to honor the monthly full moon and their meanings through ritual.

Wolf Moon Ritual - January

Named for the howling of the wolves during this season, the wolf moon takes place in the new year—an ideal time to reflect on the previous year and set intentions for the year to come.

  • Burn a white candle for new beginnings.

  • Think of the earth and nature under the moonlit beauty.

  • Meditate on gratitude, giving thanks for the fresh opportunities in this new year.

Snow Moon Ritual - February

The snow moon occurs at the end of winter. It’s time to breathe air into any stagnant energy in your life—a little early spring cleaning to clear out the spiritual cobwebs.

Create a snow moon elixir. Collect water from a natural source and place it in a glass container. Let it sit and charge in the full moonlight. Add cleansing herbs or essential oils, like eucalyptus. Drop in a full moon healing crystal or place it nearby. You can leave the snow moon elixir on your altar, or add it to your bath to purify stagnant energy.

Worm Moon Ritual - March

Also called the eagle moon, goose moon, or crow moon, the worm moon gets its name for the return and reappearance of certain animals. After remaining dormant for months, the earth becomes restless, ready to spring to life. It’s time to plant the seeds to harvest later in the year.

  • Recognize personal projects that have become inactive.

  • Focus creative energy on new projects or refocus on unfinished projects areas that need fresh attention.

  • Plant seeds of a flower or herb to invite creative energy and vitality.

Pink Moon Ritual - April

The planning stages of the winter have ended, and the Full Pink Moon invites you to implement those changes you’ve plotted.

  • Light a pink candle to welcome love, new growth, and adaptability.

  • Shake off the heaviness of winter and release habits that weigh you down.

  • Refocus intentions, like the light-hearted airiness of spring.

Flower Moon Ritual - May

As flowers blossom during the month of May, the world returns to life!

  • Infuse your body with the healing power of nature, with floral teas, aura sprays, incense, and candles.

  • Bring flowers into your regular full moon meditation practice and place them on your altar

Strawberry Moon Ritual - June

Welcome the first full moon of the summer. Bring fresh strawberries to your full moon rituals, symbols of love, prosperity, and sensuality. Hold them during your practice and feel their energy. Focus on what you want more of—and what you wish to release. Then enjoy the fruit’s crisp sweetness, nourishment from Mother Earth.

Buck Moon Ritual - July

Summer reaches its peak during the buck moon, named after the impressive male deer whose large antlers symbolize health, nourishment, and vigor.

  • Celebrate the abundance of the summer with seasonal produce from your local farmer’s market.

  • Amplify seasonal vitality with green and blue candles or crystals, like aventurine or lapis lazuli.

Sturgeon Moon Ritual - August

The summer heat can start to feel stifling by the sturgeon full moon. Think of this as a time to restore yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  • Slow down around the sturgeon full moon period.

  • Enjoy some personal pampering to accompany your moon ritual, like an herbal bath with chamomile, lavender, rose, or peppermint.


Full Corn Moon Ritual (Harvest) Ritual - September

At this time of year, busy farmers begin harvesting their crops. The first Harvest Moon occurs in September, a time to reap the rewards of your hard work throughout the year.

  • Carry crystals like citrine, amber, gold, and tiger’s eye.

  • Decorate your home, altar, or sacred space with harvested foods like apples, wheat, corn, pumpkins, or fallen leaves to show your gratitude for the abundance of the season.

Hunter’s Moon (Harvest) Ritual - October

The veil between the spiritual and physical realm is the thinnest during this time of year. Psychic abilities awaken, and so too does your ability to receive and give messages to your ancestors, angels, and spirit guides.

Beaver Moon Ritual - November

As the beaver prepares for the cold winter months, it eagerly completes its lodging and stores food. So too, what can you do within your life to strengthen and support your physical and spiritual wellbeing?

  • Figure out the “dams” you need to make to stop draining energy and better conserve your lifeforce.

  • Practice self-care like sleeping in, cooking a meal from scratch, decluttering your space, and listening to inspiring podcasts.

  • Amplify your full moon manifestation ritual by burning sage.

Cold Moon Ritual - December

The seasons of nature reflect the rhythms of life. Yes, manifestation requires hard work, but so too do you need to take the time to rest. The Cold Moon at the end of the year represents a time to pause, rest, and reflect. Recharge in this full moon, just as the moon illuminates with the sun's energy.

  • What have you learned this year? Spend time doing shadow work, to get in touch with the repressed parts of yourself and your "dark side".

  • Release those repressed parts of yourself with your full moon ritual—a chance to banish negative energy, transform, and reawaken.

Each full moon offers a powerful opportunity to release negative energy and manifest all that you desire. When you celebrate the full moon cycle once a month, you show gratitude for what the universe brings forth to you.

Rebecca BaldwinComment