Seeking Sacred Journeys

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5 Essential Carry-On Items for the Spiritual Traveler

Traveling the world offers an incredible, life-changing experience for all. It presents a time of self-discovery and transformation as you explore and open yourself up to new cultures and experiences.

As a spiritual traveler, certain items can help you to facilitate this transformation and stay connected to your inner self. These items can help create a sense of peace, grounding, and protection during your travels.

Packing these five essential carry-on items for the spiritual traveler can elevate your trip:

1. Essential oils

Essential oils are small yet mighty ‘essentials’ used for healing, cleansing, and relaxation. Cultures worldwide use them to welcome harmony and balance into their lives. Essential oils can help boost your energy while reducing stress. They can also help with headaches, jet lag, and other common travel-related ailments.

When packing essential oils for your travels, choose oils that will best serve your needs. What energies often come up for you during travel? Cleansing essential oils, such as sage and palo santo, removes negative energy and creates a sense of calm. Headache relief oils such as peppermint or lavender can help with dehydration. Jet lag relief oils such as lemon balm or chamomile can help to reduce fatigue associated with long flights or time zone changes. 

2. Crystals 

Crystals are known for their healing properties and spiritual energies. When harnessing their power, you can create a sense of grounding, protection, and manifestation. Carrying crystals while traveling can keep you connected to the earth and ignite a sense of balance and harmony in your environment.

When packing crystals for travel, take some time to think about the type of protection you wish to receive while on your journey. Black tourmaline and amethyst are great for shielding you from negative energy. Crystals for grounding, such as hematite or obsidian, can help to keep you centered and balanced during times of stress or uncertainty. 

All of these are great energies to harness for your adventure, but make it personal and choose crystals that mean something to you.

3. Palo Santo

Indigenous people have turned to Palo Santo for its cleansing and healing properties for centuries. As sacred wood from South America, Palo has become increasingly popular in recent years for healing. It facilitates spiritual connection and transformation. 

The thrill of traveling allows you to explore new places, some of which may not be familiar to you. However, with palo santo, you can purify any environment you arrive in to feel at ease. It allows you to clear out any negative energy and create a sense of peace and tranquility around you. 

As you arrive in your new environment, light your palo santo at one end and allow it to smolder. As the smoke rises, encourage it to fill the space by waving it around the room, including yourself, in circular motions. You can also use it to direct positive energy towards an intention to set the tone for your trip. 

4. A journal

Journaling is one of the most powerful tools for self-discovery and transformation. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help to process difficult emotions and gain clarity in complex situations. As a spiritual traveler, keeping a journal can help you stay connected to your inner self and record your experiences authentically. It gives you the opportunity to express gratitude, soak up the present moment, and also look back in reflection in years to come. 

When choosing a journal for your journey, you have options. Blank journals are perfect for writing down your thoughts without any prompts or guidance. Whereas, guided journals are ideal if you want structure or specific writing prompts to focus on while traveling. For others, a sketchbook offers a great alternative if you wish to record your experiences visually instead of through words.

5. Oracle Deck

Oracle decks are used as a tool for divination and spiritual guidance. Each deck has a variety of cards containing images and meanings. These cards provide insight into complex situations and offer guidance on potential paths forward. As a spiritual traveler, an oracle deck invites you to gain clarity on challenges and access intuitive wisdom from within.

While there are many options, ensure you choose an oracle deck that resonates with you. Take some time to research which one speaks most deeply to you before making a purchase, or simply bring your all-time favorite! Once you have chosen a deck, familiarize yourself with the cards so that you can interpret the messages accurately during your travels. Then, anytime you’re searching for guidance, you can always turn to these spiritual compasses. 

All of these items are essential tools for any spiritual traveler looking to deepen their connection with themselves during their journey. And if you’re ready to embark on your next soul-expanding travel adventure, we invite you to take a moment to explore our upcoming sacred destinations for spiritual travel.